Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Photos: Commercial Motorcyclists (okada) with a difference

Happy people, look what I found in Eket. I think it is both fascinating and creative! Although, commercial motorcyclists, popularly known as okada in Lagos and Cyclist in Eket has caused many controversies in Nigeria which has led to its ban in some parts of Nigeria, the ones in Eket seem to be enjoying freedom of movement. The 'Cyclists' as they are called also know how to take care of their passengers in rainy season. I took a ride on one and the innovation comes really handy as the umbrella protects you from rain. Now there is one reason to love Eket besides the amazing power supply and good roads that the city has. Akwa Ibom ado ok. Enjoy your day and remain happy. xoxo. See more pics below...


Unknown said...

This is nice creativity

Unknown said...

This is nice creativity

Anonymous said...

funny but creative