Monday, July 28, 2014

Monday inspiration: don't be paralyzed by fear of failure

Happy people, I am always excited about Mondays because I get to share my most important posts with you all. Here is today's one. I hope it inspires you to get rid of the fear of failure. I wish you a happy and productive week ahead. Enjoy!
Early last year, I was about to move from one stage of my life to another and I was paralysed with fear of the next stage. One of the reasons why I was so afraid was the fact that I dreaded what would happen next. I was living in constant fear of failure that it literally paralysed me. I was unable to move forward or think of any other thing. All I could think about was whether what lay in store for me would be success or failure.

When you have a life where you literally have to work extra hard for everything, failure becomes your biggest fear. You dread being a failure that all you can think about is how to succeed in anything you do. Just imagine having to fail an exam and spending an extra year in university when just paying your school fees is a mission and you still owe for the current year. Not a good thing for anyone. With this, there’s constant pressure on you to succeed and sometimes the pressure transforms to fear which ends up paralysing you.
Often times this fear, if not checked may even lead to failure. However, I found a way to deal with my fear of failure and to get myself out of the paralysed state I put myself in. I suddenly realised that there was no use putting so much pressure on myself and trying to be perfect. So I decided to just live life and do my best. I accepted the fact that failing was okay and as human, I really cannot avoid it. Instead of allowing my fear of failure to paralyse me, I made it motivate me to succeed. I raised the stakes bearing in mind that in order to succeed, I need to stop being afraid of failure because failure is part of success.
If you have ever felt this way before or are feeling this way about certain aspects of your aspirations in life, bear in mind that being paralysed by fear of failure is worse than actually failing. Because when you are paralysed by fear of failure, you are unable to move. Whereas, with failure you can still move, you have the opportunity to try again. I believe life is all about movement, no matter how small. Therefore, you need to keep moving and stop worrying about failure because it is simply a part of the journey of life.
Remain happy and spread happiness around.

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