Saturday, July 26, 2014

Photo of the day: A lady proposes to her man and he said yes!

Yeah you read right! This seems to be the way forward (some men take damn too long to make up their minds). Let's see the next excuse he’ll have now. 
I found this picture quite interesting and this lady so brave. I don't know how many ladies can actually do this. If you are able to, please do because sometimes men just need that push to make up their minds since they are often confused (hehehe). If you really want something, you should make the effort to get it. Congrats to them. Happy people, do you think it is awkward for a lady to propose to a man? As a man, would you say "yes"? And as a lady, can you actually ask him to marry you? Let's talk about it.
Remain happy and keep enjoying your weekend happy people. Xoxo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I love her, why not. Even if I don't I will say yes to save her from d embarrassment, we can break it off later- Newyorker