Friday, June 6, 2014

Thank God it's Friday let's escape into the music with the right attitude. Enjoy your weekend guys.

“Thank God is Friday!” (TGIF)

Thank God it’s Friday! I can’t wait to get out of the office. I have been wondering all my life why people always thank God it’s Friday. It’s the feeling of wanting to escape to a place of refuge from all the hustles of life. It’s that feeling about wanting to breathe and unwind after all the hard work of the week. It’s ok to want that, but if it’s about escaping from a normal life of work or study then that could be a problem you may want to address.

Why thank God for Friday and not for Monday? Is that because you hate your job or school so much? Who says that should be the case? If you feel this way, you need to do something about it. No one should really do what s/he doesn’t enjoy doing. If that job or school makes you hate Mondays and love Fridays, then it’s not for you. Everyone deserves to enjoy doing what they do. You deserve to derive satisfaction and fulfillment from what you do. You should enjoy what you do so much so that you look forward to doing it every day. Wake up in the morning all fired up to do anything you are involved in.
I remember feeling like this some years ago when I had to work as a cashier and I hated it so much. I didn’t look forward to waking up in the morning at all because I simply didn’t want to be at work. I knew that that wasn’t what I wanted to do and I finally reached my breaking point when I couldn’t take it anymore. Making the decision to find fulfilment was very difficult since I didn’t have an alternative and I really needed the job. But quitting that job even when I didn’t know what would happen next was the best thing that happened to me. I know what some of you may be thinking – no, I wasn’t being stupid. Choosing fulfillment and peace of mind over a pay cheque is the best thing that can happen to anyone.
I know it’s not always easy making the decision to let go of something you already have but trust me, it’s better than being unhappy and living in fear of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday even though you thank God for it. Do you stay in these situations when you should let go but you can’t do so just because you believe you may not find something else or you are just not ready to let go? I once heard someone say “I can’t just leave this job simply because I don’t like it. Do you know how many people want this same job?” Oh well, while that may be true it could also be that you are not just the person for it. The most difficult decisions in life end up being the best if we just have the courage to make them.
Why not start by doing a little introspection to determine what you really need from a job or school to be happy. Maybe try to figure out what you enjoy doing and if you can actually do it for free. That could be your dream job. Same thing may be applicable for school. Choose a discipline that you can align with the things you love to do and not something totally out of line. Imagine being a lover of fashion and studying accounting at school, how off is that? You’ll definitely be bored out of your mind and may likely fail a couple of times. The key to looking forward to everyday with anticipation is simply doing what you enjoy doing and not focusing on how much money you make from it. The power to make yourself happy is in your hands alone and bear in mind that there’s no such thing as "I have no choice; I just have to do it” because you always have a choice and it’s up to you make the right one.
Remain happy and spread happiness around. xoxo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is so true. We all shouldn't do things we are not happy doing.