Monday, June 30, 2014

Keeping The Dream Alive: a Lagos bus conductor takes the lead!

Happy Monday happy people! I hope you all had a great weekend and are all fired up for this day. Here is something to inspire you. I hope you have a great day. Enjoy!
What does Monday mean to you? Does it mean the beginning of another week of slavery? Did you wake up this morning with the feeling that the weekend should have lasted longer? I am sure many people in the world feel the same way that you do. Monday is the first day of activities in a new week and it means you actually have an opportunity to set your dreams in motion, don’t worry too much about that terrible job or boss.

I have decided to share something that I just witnessed this morning with you maybe it will help you get through the week. I went out for a run this morning and I met a bus (damfo) conductor. What caught my attention was his attitude while doing his job. The guy was so full of life and energy; he called out ‘oshodi’ with an enthusiasm like his life depended on it. The look on his face was that of excitement and he was also singing in between. I thought to myself, “This guy must love his job so much”. It is either that or he has found a way to be happy about what he does. I actually took a break from jogging just to watch this guy because it found it interesting and inspiring.
To you my dear readers who are all grumpy this morning because you have to go to work and face that horrible boss, would you rather be idle? Some of you work under better conditions than the bus conductor. You stay in a proper office sheltered from the rain. The conductor on the other hand, has to deal with the rain, sun, unbearable passengers, lastma, police and so on. And in spite of this, he was the most excited person to be out and do his job happily.
If you woke up this morning feeling bad about your work, think about the bus conductor and other people who are unemployed and appreciate the opportunity you have. If you think working is not fun, trust me being idle is even worse. I would therefore say to you, if you not happy and satisfied with your job, change it. Also if you are using it as a means to an end, keep the bigger picture in mind and derive happiness from the fact that your goals are still in sight. Finally, try and see Monday as the beginning of better days ahead and the opportunity you have been waiting for to actualise your dreams.

Remain happy and spread happiness around. Xoxo.

Photo credit: &

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Most people pray and fast for jobs, when they eventually get it, they start taking it for granted and complain about how hard it is-newyorker