Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Photo of the day: odourless Fufu VS Votes

Happy people, this has been trending for a while on social media that I'm beginning to think every politician will do this. Is this really working? I call this open bribery and it is only in Nigeria that this happens. What is even the motivation behind this sharing of food stuffs? This it's an insult to Nigerians!
The problem of Nigeria is beyond hunger and as a voter, accepting a bag of rice or fufu that will finish before the guy is sworn in, is a real lack of integrity. How will these food items improve the state of Nigeria and Nigerians? I think Nigerians are more interested in accountability and transparency that this outrage. Your campaign should be a clear structure of what you will do to improve the lives of Nigerians and how you intend to be accountable. Oh well, I don't get involved with politics because talking about it is annoying.

Remain happy and spread happiness around. Xoxo. More photos after the cut.

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