Thursday, August 7, 2014

Shocking: The Liberian man was aware he had Ebola Virus, escaped from Liberia

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Happy people, I read about this on twitter yesterday but I didn’t want to believe it. It is the attitude of backward thinkers like these that has caused this Virus to become a terrible problem. Why will a person carry a virus from one country to another? He knew he had Ebola but escaped quarantine to Nigeria because he just had to spread the virus.
According to the Minister of State II for Foreign Affairs, Dr. Nurudeen Mohammed, the late Liberian man, Patrick Sawyer who was the first case of Ebola virus in Nigeria was actually under surveillance by the Liberian health authorities. Apparently, Sawyer's sister had died of the virus.  ECOWAS Vice President, Dr Toga Mcintosh confirmed that Sawyer escaped from quarantine in Liberia to fly to Nigeria.
Wow! My question is how did he pass immigrations at the airport if he was under surveillance? I think we have to stop playing with lives here and save lives rather. Save your live and that of others by stopping the spread of this Ebola virus. Some Nigerians took to twitter to express their views and below are some of the things they had to say.

Remain happy and spread happiness around. Xoxo.

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