Monday, August 4, 2014

Monday inspiration: Office Drama; Know when to say "it's enough!"

“Dear Beauty, come and see me on Friday after 2pm”. Hmm, “why Friday and at such a ridiculous time?” I thought to myself. There is definitely something wrong here. This is a temptation. He knows fully well that I don’t live on campus and my Fridays are not for such meetings. I thought of responding to the email to say I am not available but I decided to let it slide.

After careful thought, I decided to go for the meeting out of respect for my boss. I abandoned the mountain of work I had to do and made my way to the meeting. The taxi driver decides to take me on a cruise and move at his own speed. “If you don’t like it, buy your car” he must have said in his mind as I kept complaining about his speed.
Two hours later, I arrive at Bellville Campus to attend the supposed meeting and I was right on time because it was only 2pm. I walk into the office, greet my boss politely and he felt no need to respond. “Oh well, what is my own? You don’t have to respond to me”, I said to myself. The unimaginable happened. “Go and come back on Monday”, he bluntly said. I didn’t think that was for me so I asked, “Are you joking?” “No I’m not”, he responded with all manner of rudeness. At that moment, I felt like I was going to explode. I was furious and wanted to lash out. Thank goodness for my strategy of always having to breathe in such situations.
I took a deep breath and said, “I came out of my house for the sole purpose of this meeting”. And that did not seem to be his concern. I couldn’t stop beating myself up for showing up in the first place. Who treats people this way? Even the president would not cancel a meeting he scheduled without any reasonable explanation. What a lack of respect and unprofessionalism! I walked out of the office with the thought that as humans we allow ourselves to be treated in a certain way. This has nothing to do with pride but I refuse to be treated unfairly by anyone termed a “boss”. The only solution for me was to resign. I know who I am and I know my worth. You cannot schedule a meeting with me and cancel as you please because you are a superior. My time is really important too.
Yeah before you label me as proud, you need to bear in mind that there is nothing wrong with knowing your worth and maintaining it. What my boss did was totally an abuse of power and I’m sorry but I cannot accept that. I don’t mind losing the job because it is much better to be unemployed and have my sanity than to be employed and be insane.
Remain happy and spread happiness around. Xoxo.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't work with difficult people if you can. Get another job if possible. Else stick it out till you rise or get enough experience to move elsewhere- Newyorker