Monday, June 8, 2015

Meet the Nigerian mathematician who broke a 50-year-old academic record in Japanese University

Ufot Ekong, a Nigerian student who studied in Japan has broken a record by achieving the highest grades at a university in Japan which no one has for almost 50 years. Ufot Ekong, graduated with a first class degree in electrical engineering from Tokai University in Tokyo and scored the best marks the university has seen since 1965.  
The sterling mathematician began his journey to success in his first semester, by solving a 30-year-old maths equation. While in the university, Ufot won six awards for academic excellence. He is currently working for Nissan and already has two patents for electronic car design to his name.
And to think that he achieved all this while holding down two jobs to support his education! Hard work indeed! Now this is a story I wouldn’t miss sharing because academic achievements is something this brand is about. And hey, it appears he is from my state. Great stuff!
Anyway, stay happy and spread happiness around. Xoxo.

Story & image source: Independent Uk

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