Saturday, September 27, 2014

Faces @ UWC Faculty of Arts Dean's Merit Award Ceremony [photos]

In order to encourage academic excellence, the Faculty of Arts, University of the Western Cape honours outstanding students who work hard to set themselves apart from others with awards every semester. The outstanding students are students who obtain an average of 75% and above after the semester exams. As a reward for their hard work and commitment to their academics, they as awarded with the Dean's merit list certificate for outstanding performance during the semester.

Academic achievement is one of the things that I consider to be an important achievement in life and I am always in awe to be in the presence of these great achievers and dream chasers. I admire their hard work and resilience because trust me; it takes a lot of self-deprivation and dedication to be there. One of the recipients told me she only sleeps for four hours a day (sorry L dearie, I just had to say it because you are truly an inspiration). There are others who juggle between part-time jobs and academics and they still stay true to their dreams. I think they are really worth celebrating.
Yes, yours truly was also honoured with an award and I have my own story too which I will reserve for later. I just want to say that it was only a dream but I am glad it came true. I have my amazing God, family, friends and professors to thank though.
Anyway, please remain happy and keep dreaming because dreams indeed do come true. Xoxo. More photos after the cut....

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