Thursday, April 2, 2015

"We will plug corruption and crush Boko Haram in 2 Months" - Gen. Buhari

Nigeria's president-elect Gen. Buhari has promised to 'plug' corruption and crush Boko Haram in 2 months of getting into office. He told CNN's Amanpour from Abuja last night;

 “We know how they started and where they are now and we will rapidly give attention to security in the country. And I believe we will effectively deal with them in two months when we get into office. We will be needing the cooperation of neighbour­ing countries such as Cam­eroon, Chad and Niger. There were efforts made by the President Goodluck Jonathan administration, but it was not good enough and it came rather late”

  “We expected the Federal Gov­ernment four years ago to sit down with these coun­tries and make sure they do not allow the terrorists free movement across bor­ders, training facilities and movement of weapons. These were only done a few months ago and we have seen how Cameroon, Chad and Niger are fighting Boko Haram more than Ni­geria is doing until recently. Really we have seen enough and we have enough law enforcement to face Boko Haram squarely.”

Buhari also affirmed that the military failed to perform as well as they should have due to corruption in the system. We hear you sir and shall hold you to that. Isn't two months a bit of an exaggeration though? Stay happy beautiful people and spread happiness around. Xoxo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its quite ambitious but I love his spirit. A luta continua!