Monday, September 16, 2013

The Power Of a Smile!!!!!!!!!!

A smile! It has a lot to with changing peoples' moods especially that of a child. No matter how angry or sad you may be, that changes when a child smiles at you. However, it is not only the smile of a child that has this power, the smile of an adult is not left out in this. A smile is infectious and can turn other peoples' moods around and completely make their day. Bear this in mind and always put a smile on your face because you never know whose life that smile can save! Today's message is smile always because there's nothing bigger than you, you have the strength to overcome any challenge at all just believe in yourself. Stay happy and don't stop smiling.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A smile! Truly smile carries more meaning than laughter, if I am ask if I enjoyed reading this; I will smile.