Thursday, June 19, 2014

How to make a good first impression on a lady on Facebook.

I have decided to write about this because of what has been happening to me lately. To all my Facebook friends that will read this, I don’t mean any disrespect but I want us to improve our conversations.

I log on to Facebook and I am notified about a new friend request, I check out the profile of the person, and then accept the friend request. I don’t have a problem with that because
I am always open to meeting new people and I believe we live in a small world. For some strange reason though, I really can’t comprehend the way some guys think or act. We live in the 21st century where technology has changed everything. Why not take advantage of that.

You can actually make an effort to get to know a lady first before chatting her up. Checking out her profile introduces you to the lady, her interests, dislikes etc. Imagine starting a conversation with someone by asking her where she is. That information is provided on the profile I want to believe and asking about such things can actually bore the person out. The other question which I often get is ‘are you married?’ you won’t believe how many times I have to go back to my profile to confirm that the answer to that is provided there. That can be a real turn off believe me. It shows a lack of interest or lack of attention. And no lady wants to have a conversation with such a man.

Another ‘no’ is talking sex with a lady you barely know. That is just very insulting. I may be sexy and all but it is disrespectful to talk sex with me on Facebook when you barely know me and are just chatting to me for the first time. I don’t know of any girl that enjoys such a conversation so you may want to put that into consideration the next time you want to have a conversation with a lady. It is true that great friendships can be formed online but that all depends on how well you start the conversation and keep the lady interested. In summary therefore, you may want to take out time to actually have a look at the person’s profile and pay attention to little details. Before you hit up that new friend online, you might want to take a tour of her profile. Find out about her interests, that way, the conversation will be more interesting because you will have actual things to talk about and will be able to engage the other person.

 Don't forget to always remain happy and spread happiness around the world. xoxo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post. I accept Friend Requests only from those I know and have met in real life,of course, only after confirming their profile matches the person's. In my opinion, that saves me stress of having a conversation with a total stranger trying to hit on me online. If I need to meet or date someone online, there are hundreds of online dating sites, where members are verifiable.