Saturday, June 14, 2014

How to Prevent Morning after Blues

It's weekend and I know some of you would have gone out to have a great time last night. Well, if you are suffering the consequences of that great time, I have the perfect solution to help you deal with the morning after blues. Have a great weekend ahead.

How to Prevent a Hangover - Before and after

No one wants to go out and have a good time just to pay for it the morning after with a bad time of having to deal with headaches and nausea or even vomiting. The feeling is terrible. I personally stay away from drinking because I can’t deal with the hangover but I know that not everyone is like me so here is how to prevent that terrible feeling in the morning after having a great time with the tequilas and others.

First step:
Drinking water between your drinks can also help prevent the terrible feeling you get from your great time the morning-after. I have found this to be very effective; you may want to try it too.

Second step:
Drink a lot of water before going to bed as this is an effective way of preventing the symptoms of dehydration experienced the morning after. Alcohol causes dehydration and you can deal with that by drinking a lot of water. Water before bed will also help wash out the alcohol from your system.

Third step:
You can also prevent a hangover by trying to eat or snack before or while drinking. Never drink on an empty stomach. You may want to give nuts a try and any other snack. Remember, everything should be in moderation.

If you skipped these suggestions or just didn’t know and it’s too late now, here is how to handle the morning-after hangover:

Drink lots of water
Alcohol causes dehydration and rehydrating your body is the key to recovery and this cannot be overemphasised. You may want to add some lemon to your water because it contains vitamin C that will help soothe your stomach.

Drink fruit juice
Fruit juice has a kind of sugar called fructose that helps the body burn alcohol faster. Drinking it will help you recover faster from that morning after blues

Eat crackers and honey
Honey is a very concentrated source of fructose, and is also able to help burn off alcohol.

Eat a good meal
Nothing beats a balanced meal. It replaces the loss of essential nutrients in the body. You might want to keep the meal light and stay away from fatty foods or fried foods.

Take some pain killers
If the headache won’t just go away, you may want to try taking a pain killer such as Ibuprofen. DO NOT take Acetaminophen, as it can cause liver damage when combined with alcohol.


Anonymous said...

How will I know? I don't drink. Lol

Anonymous said...

How will I know, I dont drink. Lol-Newyorker

Unknown said...

Lol @ Anonymous