Tuesday, July 1, 2014

It's never too late to live your DREAMs

Happy new month happy people! I hope that this month gives you some perspective. Here is something to help you get there, enjoy!
We all have dreams of the perfect life that we want for ourselves, the dream job, dream husband, dream wife, dream house and so on. Actualizing these dreams always seems almost impossible especially for some of us who don’t have the opportunity to. This often leads to people giving up their dreams and getting discouraged about everything in life. Some settle for a life that they dread.
I am the one person that strongly believes that it is never too late to do anything you want to do. It is ok to have dreams and keep the dream alive by working towards it in every single way possible. You have to keep fighting in order to silence the voice in your head and around you which says you cannot do it. I have always wanted to have a platform to share my opinion on different things and this has always been one of my dreams, that is why I started my blog.
However, starting it wasn’t an easy task. I kept procrastinating, telling myself I will start it tomorrow and when the tomorrow arrives, I don’t start it. This continued for a while. I also had an inner war with myself about how it will turn out, if it will succeed and friends telling me “we have other blogs that are already big and popular, how will you survive?” but they forgot that I wasn’t looking to commercialize my blog but just to have a platform to share my opinion with others and hear other people’s opinion.
Life isn’t all about money. Building your dreams with the objective of making money turns out to be frustrating. When the money doesn’t come at the expected time, you lose your motivation and this may kill your dream. It is better and easier to do something based on the fact that you love it and let the money that it brings be an addition. It is on this mentality that I base the actions I take towards actualizing any dream of mine. Anyway, so I finally started the blog and although I don’t have a million views yet, one view a day excites me as much as a million views would and this keeps me going. And to you that is reading this, I can't thank you enough for your time.
This is just one dream that I actualized after so many years of procrastination. I am glad I finally did because I know that it is not late, actually it happened at the right time. Therefore if you have any dream that you haven’t actualized yet, giving up on it is never an option. Attempting to actualise it with the sole aim of making money off it is also not an option. Why not start by getting rid of that little voice in your head who says you cannot do it and actually give it a try. So what if you didn’t do it 2 years ago when you were much younger and active, who says it’s late now. You will never know if you will succeed at it if you don’t give it a try. So give that dream a try today because it is never too late to live your dream.
Remain happy and spread happiness around. Xoxo.


Anonymous said...

I procrastinated on a lucrative idea for months only for someone to start doing the same thing this weekend. Never wait for tomorrow. Tomorrow starts now- Newyorker

Anonymous said...

This is so true. Thanks for this Happy

Unknown said...

Keep on inspiring me am loving it..............