Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Question of the day: Why does a man talk sex with a strange woman on social media?

Okay, I have seriously been trying to understand this phenomenon and I still can't comprehend it. Please happy people, help me here. What gives men the boldness to talk sex with a stranger on social media? 

Are there ladies who encourage or enjoy this? (I doubt it). I seriously don't think there is any lady who enjoys sex chat with a strange man on social media. I personally find it very insulting for a man to start such a conversation with me and I don't think that makes me rude. I don't think accepting anyone as a friend on Facebook, adding you on Whatsapp, BBM and so on, is any indication that the person is looking to get sexual with you. Anyway, maybe there is a special explanation for this but I am yet to find out and until then I will keep deleting disrespectful people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is no special explanation dear. Country hard. Babes will talk sex with a stranger they think can be a mugu. So can't blame d guy for trying.besides his girl might have left him high that night. Do u want Congi to kill him? -newyorker