Monday, August 11, 2014

Monday inspiration: Life is hard, face it with resilience

“Life is a battle”, my favourite quote from my dad is one thing I never forget. I am always conscious of the fact that life is a battle and that means I must keep fighting. There is no time to give up.
True, as humans we are often hit with difficult moments that force us to contemplate giving up. I have also been there because I am human. In those moments though, the one thing that keeps me going is my knowledge of the fact that life’s challenges are for the brave at heart.
The past weekend has been a tough one for me. I received an amazing news which I would rather share later. As amazing as that news was, it also required a lot from me. I was nervous the entire time and the nerve even affected my ability to think.

However, I have just reminded myself as I write this that nothing good comes easy. I have something unique and it is that thing that has brought me this far. I can’t be defeated now. Plus, being human means that I am imperfect so there is no need trying to be perfect. In this battle of life, I can't let anything stop me from fighting for survival.
Have a great week ahead happy people and keep fighting because you have the strength within you to pull through.

Remain happy and spread happiness around. Xoxo. 

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