Saturday, February 20, 2016

"Cutting your hair this low as a woman is not part of the Nigerian culture"?

Beautiful people, I'm so sorry about my continued absence here. I have nothing to say more than life happened out here and I've been living the life. Anyway, I think now that I'm finally able, I should address this. Please what's the big deal with a lady wearing her hair natural and low? I'm really not sure what the deal is with a lady choosing to cut her own hair off. I decided to take that route a few months back and I haven't had the last of it till today. First, I walked to the barber's shop and asked for a haircut but the barber opted for a lecture on Nigerian culture blah blah blah. He literally spent over twenty minutes scolding / advising me not to forget my roots / culture. My question to him was, "don't you see girls around here with short hair" and he confidently told me, "yeah I do but they're from here and it's their culture and not yours". I was in shock! This was the most appalling thing I had heard in forever. 
Like seriously, what's this about short hair isn't a Nigerian thing? Like the barber's lecture wasn't enough, my friends who saw the picture on my bbm took their turn. They blasted me with questions about why I cut my hair. Most of them literally felt so sorry for me like I had some problem. I was / still dazed. I didn't understand the whole drama around my haircut. I finally went back home for holiday and more drama awaited me there.

The first one was my encounter with the immigration official at the airport. I was walking confidently to the cue for Nigerian passports but a polite guy thought to help me with directions because he thought I was going to the wrong place. Then he also felt the need to question me. "Excuse me ma'am, what are you doing in Nigeria?" he asked. I laughed silently and thought "alright let me indulge you" fully aware of what he was up to. I told him I was there on holiday and he asked me for my passport. I calmly reached for my passport in my bag and gave it to him. Omg! The classic look on his face when he saw I had a green passport was classless! I laughed out loud this time while he was apologizing to me. I understood he was simply doing his job so I remained calm. According to him, he stopped me because he thought I was South Africa (oh well) just because I had short hair o. He added that Nigerian women don't wear their hair the way I had mine. I laugh about this each time I remember it.
The second one was the cop pulling me over for no reason and telling me he actually stopped me because he thought I was a man. Like really though? If I didn't know how good I looked in this hair, this guys in Nigeria would have driven me crazy for no reason. But I'm forever overdosed on confidence and rock anything to the maximum! Same friends that pitied me for cutting my hair ended up loving my hair and wishing they had the balls to go low like me. Anyway, I love love my new look like crazy! It's so much freedom! Now I can work out without worrying about my hair getting wet. I know better that people will always have something to say. Please to anyone who cares, I'm fully in touch with my roots. Meanwhile everyone here loves the hair. Oh! Maybe because it's their culture.
Please stay happy peeps. Xoxo

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