Friday, August 14, 2015

Please what's this thing about "men are wired that way"?

“Why men cheat” has been a popular topic in many online discussions for a couple of weeks now. Many people have given their various opinions but of the many lame reasons I read, two infuriated me more. One reason is, “men cheat because they are wired that way”. The article even went on to advise women to stop complaining and deal with it.
Now this is one thing that I refuse to understand. Why are women expected to accept it? Bad is bad and cannot become good just because it has been normalised in the society. When people say men are wired that way I often ask questions like, wired by who or by what? Were they created without a conscience or a sense of responsibility? Do they lack the ability to distinguish between right and wrong? I’m certain the answer is NO! So what is this story about being wired that way?
Another lame excuse that I also find really annoying is about "men cheat because women allow them to". How do women do this? Do they unzip their pants for them? When will men take responsibility for their actions? I am so sick of this redundant discourse about why men cheat! Men cheat because they want to. It’s a matter of choice! You don’t always have to accept everything that you are being offered! When you decide to be in a relationship with a woman, you owe it to yourself and the woman to be true and committed. One once told me, “she was bothering me too much and I just had to help her”.  Really? And that was the only way you thought of helping her? I will never understand these things and for the women who do, kudos to you! However, I don’t think any woman deserves to be lied to. As for me, it’s all or nothing. Trust is very important in a relationship.
Anyway, please stay happy and spread happiness around. Xoxo…

Photo Credit: google

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