Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Are you attracting only the wrong guys?

"The only wish I have is to find someone who truly adores me and understands what love means". I am sure that is also every girl's dream. For some strange reason I have been attracting the same type of guys – the ones that just enjoy the idea of being with me – for as long as I can remember. No, the problem is not me because I am a very loving and passionate person. The only problem that I have is that I want to be loved right and I don’t see anything wrong in that.
If anyone decides to be in a relationship, the person should also be prepared for everything that comes with that decision. There’s no room for the notion of self in a relationship. Why will anyone in a 4 year relationship with a woman still be uncertain about what he wants? Isn’t that just the highest level of irresponsibility?
I always say that anyone who is not ready for commitment has no business dating. Dating is such a stressful thing so why waste a person’s time and effort when you are still confused? It is unfortunate that the majority of people in a relationship today don’t even know the meaning of the word. For them it is all about the idea of having a girlfriend/boyfriend and whatever benefit that comes with it. Oh well, if it suits you please do it but if it doesn’t, get rid of that time waster and emotional drainer in your life.

Remain happy and spread happiness around. Xoxo

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